The Gender of Your New Family Member Is…

“So, is that a ‘yes’ you want to know the gender of your baby?” the ultrasound tech looked at me quizzically. I only hesitated because Jonathan wasn’t with me due to COVID-19, and I place a lot of emphasis on big decisions. Well, I have a hard time making a “right” decision. So when I told her we didn’t know the gender of our first baby until he was born, she wanted to make super sure that I really wanted to know the gender of this child.

Not knowing the gender of our first born was fun. Having friends and family try to assess my pregnant belly and use their “wise” judgement to guess the gender was exciting. We thought we had a pretty good idea what the gender might be. But, of course, you just never know the gender until he or she is here.

Flash forward to the delivery room, and Jonathan, my husband, shouts that our first child is a boy! We were over the moon and even more thrilled to share his name—a name that we had a complete peace about since conception— with the world.

A strong name that joins the compelling faith that God has heard our plea for a child with a middle name meaning laughter and rejoicing.

Although it was fun having a surprise at the end of being pregnant, we felt we had missed a special connection between knowing the gender of our child and calling our little one by name while in the womb. And this disconnection continued until after birth. We felt like we were just getting to know our tiny baby that had been with us for the past 9 months. Ok, let’s be honest, 10 months.

So when we found out we were pregnant again, we had already determined we were going to find out the gender of our little avocado.

I just didn’t know it would be so soon and so sudden.

So at my 12 week appointment for my current pregnancy, I nonchalantly asked if someone could already tell the gender of a baby. The ultrasound tech told me her “guess” rate was 99% correct. She could tell me the gender of our baby today if I wanted to know. I hated that Jonathan wasn’t with me, but I knew we both wanted to know the gender of our baby.

I giddily told her yes! Yes, I wanted to know the gender.

Our little baby was in a perfect position to share his or her gender. 

The next member our family, the ultrasound tech proclaimed, will be a…


I began crying because I had hoped for a brother for our son. Not that I didn’t want a little girl, but my son has shown me just how wonderful, quirky, and full-of-energy boys can be, and I selfishly need another play buddy for my little one 😉 I had guessed correctly, and now our son will grow up with a brother just 21 months younger than him.

Officially outnumbered, I will be the leading lady in my family.

The Queen Bee, if you will. And, of course, my husband is overjoyed to be raising sons.

And I am totally good with that. Our first baby boy has given us so much joy. And we feel extremely blessed to raise another little boy.

So yes, officially outnumbered, officially a boy mom (to two human babies, one fur baby…and one baby daddy? teehee), and officially ecstatic to pray over and watch two little boys grow in love for the Lord as well as each other. Built-in best friends as they say. We can only hope and pray for surface-level feuds. 

Cheers to buying blue, to celebrating baby boys, and to reusing clothes!!

Thank you for reading our journey!

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