What is this space?
Meditations & Motherhood is a place for your soul to catch its breath and quietly reflect on The One who created you; offers grace when you need it most; provides uplifting writing in your most hopeless moments. Meditations & Motherhood offers community to moms who are experiencing struggles similarly and need a place where they can relate.
Why I created Meditations & Motherhood?
Being a mom is wonderful and exciting, but it is also an extremely difficult and often lonely job. You juggle many different hats while trying to stay sane through all the emotional and physical changes you experience. And sometimes you just want to rush to the end of the story to see how it all turns out.
I feel ya, sister. And I am so happy you have found this space.
Let’s slow down, enjoy, and make the most of this journey of motherhood together!
Meditations & Motherhood is a space that serves to provide personal insight into the joys and challenges of being a woman, mom, and sister in Christ using God’s word as the foundation for what we believe, how we think, and why we can have hope. My hope is that my writing will draw you closer to the heart of God and His love for you and your motherhood.

Who is the writer behind M&M?
It’s so nice to have you here! My name is Emily, a mom who shares her experiences: the good, the real, and the sometimes unpleasant. I am a wife of almost 10 years to a sweet, handsome man named Jonathan. I am a mom to two sweet toddler boys and a beautiful little baby girl. Before I became a mom to my first son, I was a mom to Indiana (Indie) Bones, our 72-pound Goldendoodle. I am a daughter to two wonderful, full-of-love parents, a sister to a keep-me-laughing brother, and a grateful friend to many dear people whom I love very much. I love meditating on God’s word and long to continue drawing closer to His heart in this season of motherhood.
Before making the decision to stay home with our son, I was an elementary and middle school reading and writing teacher for 11 years. And let me tell you, it was tough (Read more about my battle with PPD here–> Inside the Devastating Mind of Postpartum Depression)
In the movie Chariots of Fire , the main character explains why he does what he does.
“I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast!
Eric Liddell
And when I run I feel his pleasure.”
I believe God placed me on this earth for a purpose, and he gave me the gift of writing. And when I write, I feel his pleasure.
God has great and incredible things he wants to do through each of us. I want to reflect on that and make that reflection practical for you. What does God have for me and for you, mama, in this difficult yet sweet season of being a mom?
Let’s continue drawing closer to the heart of God to find out!
I am a writer FOR you because my hope is that the words that have been gifted to me would provide comfort, inspiration, and encouragement as we travel on this journey of motherhood together.
Thank you for joining me! Love, Emily
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Where to Start: Here’s the Latest from M&M
The Most Important Celebration is Thanksgiving
Oftentimes we rush through the celebration of Thanksgiving. We see this holiday as a stumbling block in front of Christmas. My son laments that EVERYONE has their tree, lights, and decorations up and we are late to the Christmas game. He swears this is not hyperbole (can you see my imaginary eye roll?). But thanksgiving…
Why Children are God’s Ultimate Gift of Faith
The day was particularly grueling. Breakfast was a scrambled mess with a fresh side of irritation, our homeschool morning ended in eye rolls and defeat (me), and the day spiraled into a discouraging rage of tears and meltdowns. Being one to keep her cool, I usually could keep my peace, patience, and poise to move…
The Turbulent Election is Over, Now What?
The balloon filled and filled and filled. The latex stretched tighter and tighter. Shiny and very tranluscent, the balloon had to burst at any second. No more air could possibly squeeze into the tight oblong ball it had become. And then finally…POP. Cue confetti, tears, relief, anxiousness, all the oxymorons that come with a presidential…
God Loves You, But Does He (Really) Love Me?
I stare intently at the lyrics on the screen. I feel my vocal chords strain as I try to project my voice louder and louder. Maybe the louder I sing and the harder I stare up at the black ceiling of the church, the more likely God can see how much I need him to…
The Best Way to Find Calm in the Heart of Motherhood
“Ohhhh my gosh,” I cried, pulling my shirt up above my face. “There’s no way. How do people actually do this!” Tears streamed down my face as I watched what some would say was a beautiful video of a woman giving birth. Not me. Those images alone—seeing a baby come out—would terrify me in the…
When Your Failure in Motherhood Becomes Your Greatest Success
I walk into my house after dropping my boys off at school, and I see the chaotic mess we’ve left behind. In my effort to get everyone to where they need to go on time, the kitchen looks like a war zone: peanut butter smeared on the table, food particles littering the floors, and used…