Caught in a Landslide

Do you ever have days when you are caught between two worlds? Like, you think you want one thing but very quickly you want something else? And I’m not just talking about wanting a cheese pizza and quickly changing your order to a big burrito 😉

For example, the kind of “caught between two worlds” I’m talking about is: the day didn’t go as planned, and I am needing it to finish OR it finished too quickly, and I want to relive it again.

Or in some instances, I can’t wait for my son to go down for a nap OR when he’s napping, I want instantly want to go wake him because I miss his sweet smiling face.

But also, my son is growing way too fast, hitting milestones like a pro OR just the opposite, that I am worried he’s not performing where he needs to be, and I have not done all I can on my end to ensure he’s developing appropriately.

And then I reconsider what I did all day. 

What did I do all day? First changing dirty diapers; then getting spit up on (again); next going outside and stare at the wind chime for as long as we could stare; or finally trying to feed myself to continue this journey of breastfeeding? Was that all I did

Was that all I did?

ALL I did was make my son belly laugh because I got down on my knees and looked him in the eyes as I played with him. ALL I did was hold my son in my arms because I know he won’t be this little forever. ALL I did was throw the ball for my fur baby and watch him literally bound towards the ball, tongue lolling. ALL I did was hug my husband a second longer than usual when he got home. I did ALL of this to show my love. To let each person (and fur baby) know the love I have for them. 

If I {fill in the blank} but have not love, I am nothing.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Where I do most of my writing

Slow on Down

I slow time down by taking a moment to thank God for my babe, my family, my LIFE. My abundant life that I do not want to take for granted. I don’t want to say that I was merely caught between two worlds, being bounced around with no purpose.

God has given me this purposeful life. He has put me in this season, has given me words and clarity that I am able shout to the heavens, “I am so grateful for this season I am!” For the growing pains that come with it. For the lessons that I learn as they come. And especially for the slooowing down of time. Because life travels all too quickly, and I want to stop, taste, and see that the Lord is good.


Dear Heavenly Father, I confess that my thoughts get away from me. And I become distracted by my To Do list. Father, thank you so much for this season of life and for the joys it brings. Thank you also for the moments that cause my eyes to look upward, seeking you. Please open my eyes to see each day as a gift, each moment as another opportunity to draw closer to you and to love you and your people. Help me to slow down and relish all the good that is around me. In your sons’ name I pray, Amen.

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