Worship: Giving God Your Pieces

My fussy son didn’t want anything but to be in my lap. He wanted to be held in my arms. Of course, I was trying to eat breakfast, drink coffee, basically do all the things to get our day going. I believed he was teething because no matter how I held him, he just couldn’t settle. Understandable. Teething is no joke. I was trying to think of anything to help him settle. He responds well to music, so I put on some worship music. Anything to try to calm the storms.

As I cradled him in the crook of my torso, his body continuing to squirm, I started belting out the chorus.

Awake my soul and sing

Sing his praise aloud

Sing his praise aloud!

Hillsong Worship

I love to sing, but only in the privacy of my own home. My son stopped moving for just a moment, listening to the new sounds. I felt him looking up at my thrown back head, singing with all of my heart.

I looked down at his wide-eyed face staring at mine, and he gave me the sweetest smile. His body finally relaxing into mine, I continued humming in hopes that the vibrations from my body would soothe him. 

My humming continued building in strength, and my heart literally soared, rising to meet God’s. Tears started streaming down my face as I held my son feeling his little body almost resting against mine. I was overwhelmed at the love my heart felt as it swelled in power. Such a wonderful moment, not to be rushed or lost.

Then it occurred to me: worshipping where you are, at this current moment, is exactly what God desires.

No elaborate show, or getting the pieces in order, or making sure everything is just right. He wants me, right here, tangled up in my child’s arms. My heart meeting His and catching a glimpse of what He has for me. A beautiful mess to behold.

As I clean my home, change dirty diapers, cook my family and friends meals, sit in exhausted solitude, in everything I do, I glorify Him. And it’s not the fact that I do these things, it’s in the way that I do these very ordinary tasks: with a grateful heart and a worshipping soul.

…in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NAS

Seeing what I do through God’s eyes helps me worship when the days are exceedingly long and the nights are even shorter. I’m so thankful to clean a home that welcomes people, to change a diaper that my laughing son wears, to cook for my family who loves me unconditionally. On and on and on.

The worship continues well after the blessing. 

And even now as I hold my fussy son staring off into space because it’s close to nap time, I’m so glad I chose not to miss this moment; to miss this chance to praise God from whom all blessings flow. To worship right here in this messy moment.

“My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with all my soul.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭108:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for awakening my soul to all things bright and beautiful. Thank you that every good and perfect gift is from you. Thank you for the messy moments because they draw me closest to you, and thank you for the joyful moments because I see your joy through them. You are the Lord from whom all blessings flow. Thank you for giving me the wisdom to see events through your eyes. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Your Turn: Sing this song while doing your day-to-day chores. I hope your heart soars as you remember how much God loves you at this very moment.

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  1. Kelsey

    I love this song!! I find the same thing! Bridget loves when I sing, so I use it as an opportunity for her to worship in her own way.

    1. Post

      I love how songs can be a powerful tool in bringing others together. And it’s such a great way to pray over our little ones 🙂 I hope both of our babies grow up loving to sing with us as they get older!

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