Three Ways to Celebrate Your Husband

Celebrations happen around the world constantly. From large, extravagant events to quiet, homebody gatherings, learning to celebrate those you love is a gift in itself. I am no party-planner, but I love a good get-together. And with today being my husband’s birthday, I thought maybe others could benefit from my inner-monologue as I determined the best way to celebrate my husband.

First, I will say God always has a better plan than what I could have thought of for myself. How do I know for certain that this is true? My husband is a perfect starting example. I’ve said before how I didn’t have a laundry list of qualities I wanted in a man (read more about that here). But God knew the deepest desires of my heart, he knew the maturing I would do as I got older, and he blessed me with a man that matches every one of my heart’s weaknesses and strengths. And just one of those commonalities we hold is to celebrate any occasion together. 

My husband is the best at celebrating me, making me feel loved and cherished.

He always knows the perfect gift to give and methodically plans what that will be. Spending time together is something I enjoy doing, so he lovingly makes time for that. He also knows the right words I need to hear when I need to hear them most. On the flip side, my husband loves giving gifts, he doesn’t necessarily love receiving gifts (or so he’s told me ;). I have had to learn what makes my husband tick; how he would like to be celebrated.

I think about how he has gone above and beyond in our final weeks as a family of three. My husband has overwhelmed me with his love. Playing with our VERY energetic toddler while I sit on the couch, tending to me as I feel my joints wearing out, and managing our household by cleaning and vacuuming constantly are just a few of the many examples. So, as his birthday arrives, I want to celebrate my husband to the fullest. And there are certain aspects of celebration that need to be considered.

Three questions stick out in my mind as ways to not only celebrate him but continue to foster our relationship as well. Marriage is tough, but when you work with your spouse (not against), the rest falls into place.

First: What is your husband’s love language?

Figure out how to love your husband best. The five love languages are a great place to start. The five most common are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Maybe the way you receive love is not necessarily the way he receives love. I have learned that many men are words of affirmation guys. It doesn’t cost anything to create a card noting all the ways you love your husband. What better way to show him affection by doing something that makes his heart feel full! 

Second: What hobbies or interests does your husband have?

Find something your husband loves, and do just that! Is there a certain food he loves? A game he loves playing? A special event you know that he will love going to? Don’t overcomplicate it. Whatever you choose to do doesn’t have to be something expensive or fanciful, just a small token of affection to show him you were thinking specifically about him when you bought the present, made the meal, or went to the event. He will feel loved and celebrated when you do this specific act for him!

Third: How does your husband receive love when he feels down?

Assess what helps your husband in his hardest times. Is it space? Does he need a listening ear? Does he need to get out of the house? Sometimes celebrations come at the most difficult times (hello, a pandemic, anyone??). What you want to do may not line up with what your husband needs at the time. This year has been tough, so maybe all your husband wants or needs is a place to throw out all of his inner-most thoughts or space to be quiet. Whatever that is, please don’t get your feelings hurt, but give him what he needs in these moments. You might not necessarily feel like you’re celebrating him well, but he will feel very celebrated.

Husbands and wives can have a special ebb and flow that balances each other: they are committed life-long partners taking steps forward and back as they learn each other’s wants and needs. In safe spaces, they are able to share their hearts with one another and learn when one is weak, the other is strong. And as they travel through life together, hand-in-hand, they celebrate one another in any way they can. Because life can show its sour side, and we want to be the sweet spot for our partner.

The three questions above are just a starting point, a launching pad to have the best celebration ever. Whether it’s a birthday, an anniversary, or just a wish to express your thanks to your husband, hopefully, you will be able to celebrate your husband to his fullest potential! 

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 4-8

Your Turn

Need some inspiration with words of affirmation? Here are “Letters To My Husband” from the Unveiled Wife. Check them out here!

Looking for ideas on how to celebrate your husband’s love language? Here is a good blog post for some of those ideas!

Some helpful Do’s and Don’ts to help your spouse through a tough season (and let’s be honest, 2020 has been a ringer year, for sure!).

Please don’t be shy and share ways you celebrate your man in the comments below! Happy celebrating!

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      Thank you! Yeah, the “typical” gifts I see online are never a good fit for him. Loving him best is loving him how he wants to be loved. Thank you for reading! 😀

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