“Ohhhh my gosh,” I cried, pulling my shirt up above my face. “There’s no way. How do people actually do this!” Tears streamed down my face as I watched what some would say was a beautiful video of a woman giving birth. Not me. Those images alone—seeing a baby come out—would terrify me in the …
“When will the leaves change colors, mommy?” my inquisitive four year old questions. Because I love the changing of the leaves, he loves the changing of the leaves. I point out different leaves whose colors and shapes interest me, noting the different shades of orange and yellow. Now my two year old, always the collector …
Yes, Lord. I know, Lord. But I need to do this one more thing before I find time to sit and have a quiet time. I had literally done everything I could to ignore the constant nudging at my heart, my head, my entire body to just sit. And write. To just sit. And listen. …
The rain came down in sheets creating large puddles in the brown grass. As the dark gray sky emptied its large buckets of water onto the parched earth, Baby Boy and I went to the front door to watch. It had been a long dry season of insignificant rains, scarcely long enough to wet the …