A Prayer for the New Mama

I loved reading this verse during pregnancy before becoming a new mama. As Elizabeth’s baby leaps within her, she is filled with God’s presence. The very being of God fills her soul to completion.

“At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.”  

(Luke1:41 NLT)

Our heart’s desire is to seek Him in everything we do, but our earthly jealousies and inhibitions distract us from truly seeking Him. Pregnancy isn’t easy, but it is such a blessing from God. I want to welcome you to this space that I hope brings peace, and tell you, you are not alone in your pregnancy.

Just as God knows you in and out and resides in you, He knows your little baby too! God is not only forming your baby’s perfect little fingers and toes, He is knitting together this precious, unique human for you to LOVE. You will not be the perfect mother, but you will be the perfect mother for your son or daughter.

My Prayer for You

I pray joy fills you to the brim and overflows with what only the Spirit can bring. I pray energy surpasses the long days of exhaustion by who the Lord is creating so effortlessly in you and that you feel comfort by His mighty arms and feel His peace that transcends all understanding. Especially on the overwhelming and very emotional days, and on the days when you feel you can’t take another step forward, He is carrying you forward.

I thank God for you, that you have made your way to our corner of the internet. Seeking Him first is not easy. But together, holding each other accountable, I know we can.

God is for you. Who can be against you? New mama, God knows you and loves every single part of you! He created you and designed you.

I pray that you lean even more into Him as you grow and embrace the amazing world called Motherhood. This is my prayer for you, Mama!

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