Delightful Laughter From God that Changed My Life

Baby Boy Laughing

My son woke up laughing from his nap time today and the sound reverberated from the walls sounding like laughter from God.

Like serious belly laughs. It shattered my heart in the best way possible; when a shattered heart can be a good thing. The most heart-fulfilling sounds I could have imagined, coming from my tiny little human. After days of cranky, clingy, crying (growth spurt), I heard him from our room, laughing to himself. It was the sweetest, purest thing I had heard. I imagined God making funny faces at Baby Boy, but I guess I’ll never really know.

It reminds me of this poem that I absolutely love by Daniel Ladinsky:

Just these two words He spoke

Changed my life,“Enjoy me.”

What a burden I thought I was to Carry—

A crucifix, as did He.

Love once said to me, “I know a song,

Would you like to hear it?”

And laughter came from every brick in the street

And from every pore

In the sky.

After a night of prayer, He

Changed my life when 

He sang,

“Enjoy me.”

Love Poems From God by Daniel Ladinsky
Baby Boy Laughing

These words bring into focus what is made blurry by the world: God asks me to enjoy Him. To look around at my current circumstances and be present in the moment. To look at my precious son and drink in every detail of this time with him. Gods does not ask me to carry a heavy burden, to grunt and groan as I half-heartedly do many different things. God asks that I laugh with him, that I laugh with God. Laughter from God is so precious. Thank you Lord for that.

The days are long, but these moments are the absolute sweetest. In a world of constant chaos, all He really wants is for us to stop and enjoy Him. I’m definitely enjoying my son’s newfound laughter.


Dear Father, thank you so much for laughter and how it makes the soul sing. Thank you for children who are able to laugh so easily, so openly and honestly. Please help me to be present for my son. To stay in each moment until I feel that I have “enjoyed” you. Thank you for loving us and asking only that we enjoy you. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.

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