Plunge into Fall with 3 Easy Ways

My mind was ablaze with commotion, each initial thought branching into a multitude of different thoughts, taking me in different directions. My head was on our budget, on Sam’s sleep schedule, back to the budget, then on to fun Fall outings, back to sleep schedule, on to the grocery list which led to menu items for the week. Pinging like a pinball machine, my mind whizzed with motion, each thought more distracted than the last.

I was on a mission, power walking with Sam and Indie through the neighborhood, trying to get my workout in for the day while also managing what we would eat for the next several days, budget, and whatever else I felt inclined to fret over. This was quickly becoming my Thursday morning routine: Feed Sam, put him back down for a nap, feed him again, and take him for a walk. Routine makes my life manageable, and I thrive on it. Unfortunately, on this beautiful crisp morning, my eyes were not seeing anything. I was completely in my head.

A Wind Dance

But something sparked my imagination as I went on about my walk, almost absent-mindedly. I felt the wind. Playful at first, but then bidding for my attention; forcing me to surface from my grocery list and take in my surroundings. 

Suddenly my focus shifted, and I saw golden light trickle through the branches of tress. The wind danced around me, taunting me to come and play. I became mesmerized by how the wind moved this way and that, touching my face, my hair, ever so slightly. Pleased to have my attention, the wind rushed up through the trees, tickling them and making their leaves shake with laughter. 

Our favorite path around the pond

As I continued on my walk, I breathed in deeply, letting the wind calm my nerves; I allowed myself to really look around and enjoy this walk all while giving thanks for my son, my husband, the people the Lord has placed in my life, this new season, just everything that came to mind.

And you know that feeling of excitement you get when you feel something new is coming? That sensation which is like a bubbling pot that is on the verge of bubbling up over the edges of the pot? An almost tangible buzzing with excitement feeling? Yeah, I was feeling all that. 

Suddenly, I felt a smile emerging on my face, bright as could be; a welcome symptom of the joy that was permeating my heart. 


There is a quiet anticipation that comes with a changing season. Something new is about to happen, and you need to get ready for it, prepare for it, make a way for it. The old is gone, the new has come. The wind is calling me out of my slumber, out of my sleep.

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

The Holy Spirit invites us, calls to us, welcomes us to step forth in faith. That what He began in us, He will see through to completion. He seeks to have us join Him in this joyful song. As He sings over me, I will join Him singing this new song of joy over others.

…Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything…

Ephesians 5:19-20
Baby Boy Smiling
Baby Boy enjoying the crisp Fall morning

When I think about the different seasons, Fall is my absolute favorite season. Fresh starts happen in the Fall. Beginning a new school year as a former public school teacher, albeit nerve-wracking, was always exciting. My husband and I were married in the Fall. Pumpkin season is in the Fall, along with hayrides, and apple-picking, and all things cinnamon! Leaves change from green to vivid oranges and reds, creating a beautiful backdrop for any outdoor activity.

When You Seek

I have been in a season of seeking what it is God has for me; knowing I am a mom to Sam, but feeling at a loss for how I feel about being a stay-at-home-mom.

As I journal and write to seek Him, He meets me where I am, and I feel his presence, surrounding me. I am blown away by it. So as I welcome Fall, I welcome Him, knowing that when I search for Him, I will find Him waiting to fill my cup. And His pour is a generous one.

Three Action Steps for Fall

  • Firstly, I will hide these verses, Ephesians 5:19-20, in my heart, memorizing it and making thanksgiving the blessed tune of my Fall. 
  • Secondly, I aim to write some “snail mail” letters, telling the people in my life how thankful I am for them and their prayers for me in this season of life.
  • Thirdly, just for fun, I want to create a new Fall tradition with my son and husband, something that we can continue for years to come. I’ll have to let you know what it is once we figure it out!
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